Color Switch Cutre Update 1.0

Hi everyone! On this new update, important things for the correct developing of the game had been made. For example, now the game no longer crashes when you lose -Althought that was intentional i thougth that was annoying-. Sex mode was added, becouse of popular demand. Nothing really explicit, just a bunch of particles and a change of the ball sprite. I just made it so I could familiarize whit unitys particle system, which Id never used before this project. Also, a menu was added, so you can restar after you lose, obviously.

Im looking forward to add more obstacles so the game is not so repetitive as it is right now. Also, id like for the user to be able to se their all.time high score. These two things will probably come in the next update, along whit music and sound effects, what will improve games quality by a lot. Id like to change the way the camera behaves too, but it isnt a priority.

See you in the next devlog!

-Annony Development


Color Switch_Cutre.rar 18 MB
Feb 24, 2023

Get color switch cutre

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